Day 4: The University of Film and Television (Ward) 

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Just like every day, the receptionist of the hostel slept on the couch close to his desk tonight. I guess it is easier to open the door every time we ring the bell in the middle of the night than to give us a key.

Anyway, today we visited the Saint Petersburg University of Film and Television. The building was old, rusty and big, just like nearly every other building here in Saint Petersburg. However, after a few stairs we entered a surprisingly classy and modern looking theatre. In the theatre, they demonstrated their 360-degree sound system, and showed us around the audio, light and directing equipment.

We had lunch in the university cantina. This part of the university was not classy at all (like most parts I assume). Some described the food as prison food, but hey, it was super cheap!

After lunch we had a look at some filming equipment and we played with a working green-screen. After the interesting part, we went to drink beer from a Russian mall in the forest, together with some Russian snacks and some barbecue sausages. It was an evening in which we lived like the average Russian student. an average weekend in Russia.

Greetings from Saint Petersburg! 

– Ward de Groot 

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